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Food Wiki

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Coloring agent / สารให้สี

Coloring agent หรือ food color (color อาจเขียน colour) คือ วัตถุเจือปนอาหาร (food additive) ที่ช่วยปรับปรุงสีของอาหารให้สดใส อาจเป็นสีสังเคราะห์ หรือสีที่ได้จากธรรมชาติ

E-number100-199 Colours 100-109 สีเหลือง yellows
110-119 สีส้ม orange
120-129 สีแดง reds
130-139 สีน้ำเงิน สีม่วง blues & violets
140-149 สีเขียว greens
150-159 สีน้ำตาล สีดำ browns & blacks
160-199 สีทอง และสี อื่นๆ gold and others



E number Name (s) Purpose Status
E100 Curcumin, turmeric (yellow-orange) Approved in the EU
E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) (yellow-orange) Approved in the EU
E101a Riboflavin-5'-phosphate (yellow-orange) Approved in the EU
E102 Tartrazine (FD&C Yellow 5) (lemon yellow) Approved in the EU
E103 Alkannin    
E104 Quinoline Yellow WS (dull or greenish yellow) Approved in the EU undergoing a voluntary phase-out in the UK.
E105 Fast Yellow AB (yellow) N/A
E106 Riboflavin-5-sodium phosphate (yellow) N/A
E107 Yellow 2G (yellow) N/A
E110 Sunset Yellow FCF (Orange Yellow S, FD&C Yellow 6) (yellow-orange) Approved in the EU. Banned in Finland and Norway Products in the EU require warnings and its use is being phased-out.
E111 Orange GGN (orange) N/A
E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmine (Natural Red 4) (crimson) Approved in the EU.
E121 Citrus Red 2 (dark red) Forbidden
E122 Carmoisine, Azorubine (red to maroon) Approved in the EU. Undergoing a voluntary phase-out in the UK. Currently banned in Canada, Japan, Norway, USA and Sweden.EU currently evaluating health risks.
E123 Amaranth (FD&C Red 2) (dark red) Approved in the EU.
E124 Ponceau 4R (Cochineal Red A, Brilliant Scarlet 4R) (red) Approved in the EU.
E125 Ponceau SX, Scarlet GN (red) N/A
E126 Ponceau 6R (red) N/A
E127 Erythrosine (FD&C Red 3) (red) Approved in the EU.
E128 Red 2G (red) Forbidden
E129 Allura Red AC (FD&C Red 40) (red) Approved in the EU. banned in Denmark Belgium France, Switzerland and Sweden Undergoing a voluntary phase out in the UK. Permitted in the USA.
E130 Indanthrene blue RS (blue) N/A
E131 Patent Blue V (dark blue) Approved in the EU.
E132 Indigo carmine (indigotine, FD&C Blue 2) (indigo) Approved in the EU.
E133 Brilliant Blue FCF (FD&C Blue 1) (reddish blue) Approved in the EU.
E140 Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins: (i) Chlorophylls (ii) Chlorophyllins (green) Approved in the EU.
E141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins (i) Copper complexes of chlorophylls (ii) Copper complexes of chlorophyllins (green) Approved in the EU.
E142 Green S (green) Approved in the EU.
E143 Fast Green FCF (FD&C Green 3) (sea green) N/A
E150a Plain caramel   Approved in the EU.
E150b Caustic sulphite caramel   Approved in the EU.
E150c Ammonia caramel   Approved in the EU.
E150d Sulphite ammonia caramel   N/A
E151 Black PN, Brilliant Black BN   Approved in the EU.
E152 Black 7984   N/A
E153 Carbon black, Vegetable carbon   Approved in the EU.
E154 Brown FK (kipper brown)   Approved in the EU.
E155 Brown HT (chocolate brown HT)   Approved in the EU.
E160a Alpha carotene, Beta carotene, Gamma carotene   Approved in the EU.
E160b Annatto, bixin, norbixin   Approved in the EU.
E160c Paprikaoleoresin, Capsanthin, capsorubin   Approved in the EU.
E160d Lycopene   Approved in the EU.
E160e Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30)   Approved in the EU.
E160f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30)   Approved in the EU.
E161a Flavoxanthin   N/A
E161b Lutein   Approved in the EU.
E161c Cryptoxanthin   N/A
E161d Rubixanthin   N/A
E161e Violaxanthin   N/A
E161f Rhodoxanthin   N/A
E161g Canthaxanthin   Approved in the EU.
E161h Zeaxanthin   N/A
E161i Citranaxanthin   N/A
E161j Astaxanthin   N/A
E162 Beetroot Red, Betanin   Approved in the EU.
E163 Anthocyanins   Approved in the EU.
E164 Saffron   N/A
E166 Sandalwood red   N/A
E170 Calcium carbonate, Chalk   Approved in the EU.
E171 Titanium dioxide (pure white) Approved in the EU.
E172 Iron oxidesand iron hydroxides   Approved in the EU.
E173 Aluminium   Approved in the EU.
E174 Silver   Approved in the EU.
E175 Gold   Approved in the EU.
E180 Pigment Rubine, Lithol Rubine BK   Approved in the EU.
E181 Tannin   N/A
E182 Orcein, Orchil  

(เข้าชม 4,394 ครั้ง)
